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Claude-Sylviane ABISSINTI Une « core seller » d’exception ! «Core seller », c’est un vendeur au cœur du flux d’activités de l’entreprise, et un vendeur retenu pour son engagement, son implication dans cette activité, faisant preuve de...

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Blood donation: L'Africaine Vie, a corporate citizen.

On Friday, August 30, 2019 was held at the headquarters of the Company a blood donation session. The objective of this operation was to do a humanitarian work by participating in the effort to collect blood bags initiated by the Rotaracts Clubs of Cotonou to the national blood transfusion center in order to help save lives.
To set an example, the General Manager took part in the exercise, followed by the staff members and some customers present for the occasion.
Many volunteers gave some of their blood to save lives. 

Souscrivez à un produit aujourd'hui !

Do you have foresight? Do you want to guarantee a certain future for your children, or at least the youngest ones? You have great ambitions for your children? This product is perfectly suited to your needs.

Do you want a peaceful old age? Once you retire, will you be satisfied with your pension alone? This product is perfectly suited to your needs.

Executive Seminars

During our first executive seminar, which took place from May 10-12, 2019, senior management officially launched the quality approach and signed the quality policy.
Through this approach, the objective of the Company is to be audited in order to obtain the ISO 9001 version 2015 certification during the year 2020.
The Company's commitment to this process reflects its management's desire to provide its customers with quality products and services.

On this occasion there was a review of the Company's strategic development plan with a focus on customer satisfaction.

The second seminar: which took place from February 28 to March 1, 2020 was devoted on the one hand to a training on quality with the planning of the 2020 activities and on the other hand, to the digitalization which gave right to a training of an expert in the matter.

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