Frequently Asked Questions
Insurance is a service that provides a benefit upon the occurrence of an uncertain and random event often referred to as a "risk". The benefit, usually financial, may be intended for an individual, an association or a company, in exchange for the collection of a contribution or premium.
Life insurance is a contract by which the insurer undertakes to pay an annuity or a capital to the subscriber in return for a premium. The money saved in this way is paid to the beneficiary or beneficiaries when an event related to the insured occurs: his death or survival. This savings product allows the subscriber to receive interest on his contract according to the capital invested.
Kindly contact L'Africaine Vie or L'Africaine des Assurances depending on the type of contract you are looking for and find out how to subscribe and the conditions to meet.
Any natural person can subscribe to an insurance contract. There is no age restriction
Life insurance is a contract by which the insurer undertakes, in return for the payment of premiums, to pay an annuity or a capital sum to the insured or to his beneficiaries. It can be used as a medium or long-term savings product. At the end of the contract, the insured or his beneficiaries can recover the invested sums, increased by the possible profits and decreased by the expenses (of file and management in particular).after opening of the contract by an initial payment, it is possible to make payments, regular or not, without limit of amount.
The acronym P&C stands for Property and Casualty and is a family of insurance that is opposed to life insurance. In fact, P&C insurance covers damage (Fire, Accidents and Miscellaneous Risks) and protection of property while Life Insurance covers people.
In order to prepare for the launch of a project, to make one's savings profitable, to prepare a good health coverage, to face the stress of one's offspring's higher education, to anticipate life's hazards that cannot be foreseen.
La clause bénéficiaire désigne la ou les personnes qui percevront le capital en cas de décès du souscripteur. Il existe plusieurs façons de désigner le ou les bénéficiaires d’un contrat d’assurance-vie. Sur le bulletin de souscription ou d’adhésion au moment de la signature du contrat d’assurance vie ;sur simple courrier adressé à l’assureur s’il est écrit, daté et signé de votre main;
According to article 65 of the CIMA insurance code, there is the possibility of retracting the contract within thirty days after signing it. After this period, the client who renounces his contract is subject to penalties.
Yes, a client can subscribe to as many contracts as he or she chooses, but our sales advisors can guide him or her in choosing a formula that best protects his or her interests
According to the non-indemnity nature of life insurance explained in Article 116 of the Code, the sums insured in a life insurance contract are freely determined by the
according to his needs and means. Therefore, the profitability of the amount that
you place in insurance is left to your own judgment.
Is it worthwhile to choose your spouse as the beneficiary of a life insurance contract?
The beneficiary is a physical or legal person who is designated at the discretion of the contracting party, provided that he or she has a legal existence at the time the insured sums become payable. The policyholder may name as many beneficiaries as he or she wishes. The spouse is therefore entitled to be a beneficiary as long as it suits the subscriber.
No. Contributions collected for life insurance cannot be transferred from one institution to another.
It is an operation which consists in breaking the contract by the anticipated payment of the mathematical provision (decreased by a penalty) to the contract holder. The buy-back generally puts an end to the contract except when it is a question of a partial buy-back.
According to Article 74 of the CIMA Code, at least two annual premiums must have been paid or at least 15% of the contracted premiums.
- Building up savings
- Availability of funds saved
- Suitable for all investor profiles
- Follow-up and advice on your contract
The contract takes effect on the date of payment of the first premium
Yes, the insured can cancel the contract for various reasons, whereas the insurer can only do so in the event of non-payment of premiums by the subscriber.
Yes, for various reasons the subscriber can decide to modify these clauses of the contract by writing a letter addressed to the general management where all modifications are notified
that he wishes to bring
The beneficiaries of the contract must therefore present themselves with the documents attesting to the occurrence of the death and the insurance contract(s) left by the insured.
At L'Africaine Vie, you have the possibility to get your money back two weeks after the end of the contract.
- The identity document (identity card/passport)
- The bank statement
- Other documents that will be required depending on the contract you sign
Contract received on departure.
Cash/MOMO/Bank transfer/Cheque/Deduction at source.
After two years of contributions, you have the option to withdraw your contribution.