Business Products
To be attractive, every company must offer benefits to keep its employees and maintain good ones.
With Serenity Collective Retirement, build employee loyalty and brand image.
To prepare the retirement of your employees.
You are a SMB or a VSB ? Are you planning to develop your business?
With Serenity Alafia WanrouYou can finance your development projects in a secure manner.
To secure your business!
Your business relies on important people whose death or prolonged inability to perform their duties may cause you harm.
With Serenity Key ManYou are both a subscriber and a beneficiary, making your business sustainable.
Did you know it? In the event of death, the law requires the employer to pay the heirs of the deceased a death benefit equivalent to the severance pay that would be due to the deceased.
With Serenity Collective Providence, respect the law with peace of mind while retaining your salaries.
To meet your legal obligations
You have employees, so you have obligations towards them in case of departures.
With Serenity ECA, finance and control your social liabilities.
Produits PArticuliers
Children are the most precious thing we have. Guaranteeing them a future by ensuring their education is in essence what defines us in parenthood.
With Serenity Education, free yourself from the stress of studying ....
To prepare the future of your children...
The old days are getting ready now,...
To maintain your standard of living and because...
With Serenity Retirement start a retirement with a light mind.
To prepare your old days!
Health concerns become important with age. In addition, the decrease in income during retirement does not allow for the care of ...
With Serenity Healthcontribute now to receive comprehensive health care and
Saving is very important to you.
With Serenity Savings, make your savings grow. It can be used as collateral for a loan. Your savings are tax-free and can be recovered in instalments or in one go.
Who doesn't do tontines? They help us to achieve our goals in the short, medium and long term, in all areas of life...
With Serenity Alafia Wanrou, your tontines are secure and ....
Planifiez désormais votre retour au Bénin en toute sécurité avec le Plan de Retraite et d’Investissement (PRI-Bénin). PRI- Bénin est une somme bloquée auprès de L’AFRICAINE VIE BENIN contre le versement …
The only certainty we have when we are born is that of our return. When will that day come?
It is up to us to help our loved ones to better live the pain of separation, by relieving them of the main part and ....
With Serenity Departure, we guarantee you a peaceful return and a secure future for your family.
You have taken out a loan with a banking institution? You know that hazards do not prevent? Your situation can change overnight.
With Serenity Borrower, in the event of incapacity beyond your control (death, disability or loss of employment), we will continue to pay your monthly payments to the bank.
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