Borrower's insurance taken out to secure a loan provides coverage in the event of death, disability and/or loss of employment. When one of these events occurs, the insurer reimburses the loan installments, in whole or in part.
When you wish to take out a loan with a credit institution, in most cases it is necessary to take out loan insurance to guarantee your loan. It is a security for you and your family, it is also a security for the credit institution: in case of death, disability or loss of employment, it is the insurance that reimburses the credit institution.
- All-cause death;
- Absolute and definitive disability from all causes;
- Loss of employment.

Serenity Borrower / Micro Borrower
You have taken out a loan with a banking institution? You know that hazards do not prevent? Your situation can change overnight.
With Serenity Borrower, incapacity beyond your control (death, disability or loss of employment), we will continue to pay your monthly payments to the bank.
Pour souscrire, il vous suffit d’adresser à L’Africaine Vie une demande de mise en place du contrat avec la liste des salariés concernés et les cotisations souhaitées.
Do you want a peaceful old age? Once you retire, will you be satisfied with your pension alone? This product is perfectly suited to your needs.
The ECA or Retirement Allowance These benefits constitute a commitment, known as a social liability, which every company must include in the notes to its balance sheet. In the event of simultaneous departures, its payment may result in
Are you tired of tontines taking your money and then disappearing? Despite your low income, you feel the desire to save money by contributing freely? Do you have some ...