The Serenity Key Man is a death insurance contracted by a company on the life of one of its managers or employees. The objective of the key man guarantee is to cover the prejudice that the death of the manager would cause to the company by the payment of an indemnity.
The key man contract can only be subscribed for and by the company and for its exclusive benefit. The company is therefore the "subscriber and beneficiary", which is a sine qua non condition to avoid abuse of corporate assets.
The key man policy covers the death and absolute and permanent disability of the key man. As for a death insurance, the company determines in advance the amount of the sums This amount is based on a precise and delicate study of the causal link between the disappearance of the key man and the company's results.
The term key man refers to any person (man or woman) who has a determining role in the operation of the company, the achievement of the turnover and the result. As an example, the key men of a company can be :
- The manager(s) of a small or medium-sized business
- An associate with expertise, science, art or technique directly related to the corporate purpose
The key man can therefore be a company manager but also an employee on whom the essential functions of the company are based (an outstanding salesman, an experienced engineer...) The key man policy covers the death and absolute and permanent disability of the key man.

Serenity Key Man
Your company relies on important people whose death or prolonged inability to perform their duties can be detrimental...
As with death insurance, the company determines the amount of capital guaranteed in advance. This amount is based on a precise and delicate study of the causal link between the disappearance of the key person and the company's results.
It also guarantees the payment of a capital sum in the event of the death or absolute and permanent disability of a member. The guaranteed death benefit for each member can be set by the company or calculated according to article 37 of the same collective agreement.
- All-cause death;
- Absolute and definitive disability from all causes;
- Refinancing your business.
To subscribe, simply :
Contact L'AFRICAINE VIE for an appointment.
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