Do you want a peaceful old age? Once you retire, will you be satisfied with your pension alone? This product is perfectly suited to your needs.
How it works
By this contract, the Company guarantees:
In the event of life of the insured at the end of the contributions, the payment of the savings constituted to the Insured.
In case of death or absolute and definitive disability of the insured during the contribution period, the payment of the death capital to the beneficiary(ies) designated in the contract in addition to the level reached by the retirement savings account.
Pourquoi souscrire à la Sérénité Retraite de L'Africaine Vie ?
Expertise with life insurance specialists to manage your savings
The availability of funds through partial redemptions served in record time;
Transparency and advice with regular information on the management of your savings and its performance
A proximity without surprise.
The Serenity Retirement contract offers you 3 guarantees in 1:
- Savings;
- Death (optional);
- Survival.

Serenity Retirement
You can prepare for your old age now, during your working life, whether you are employed or self-employed.
To maintain your standard of living and because the official pension is not immediate and sufficient, subscribe to a complementary pension or a retirement savings solution.
With Serenity Retirement, start a retirement with a light mind.
- But also
- Your capital can be paid out as a periodic annuity or pension;
- Your capital can be paid out as a single lump sum;
- Your capital can be served in a mixed form combining the first two.
To subscribe, simply :
Choose your contribution, with a minimum of 10 000 FCFA.
Choose your payment periodicity which can be Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually or Annually;
Choose your contribution period, with a minimum of 10 years.
Do you have foresight? Do you want to guarantee a certain future for your children, or at least the youngest ones? You have great ambitions for your children? This product is perfectly suited to your needs.
Are you self-employed? Do you have an irregular income? Do you work in the informal sector? Would you like to be protected in case of a drop in your activities or in your old age? We have what you need: SERENITY SAVINGS.
Collective retirement is now offered by a good number of African companies. This type of group contract is particularly appreciated for the various advantages it offers, if only in terms of taxation. Employees and companies